More gems from Mr Kingston at the Salford Star .


Superhazel is now going solve all our problems…

Poor Hazel’s digging a deeper hole every time she opens her gob. Today she’s launching a new document “supporting those communities where the most severe poverty…persists.”

Obviously not her tv room then.


Hazel Blears has today launched Transforming Places: Changing Lives – a “new framework for regeneration that will help the sector through the downturn”

…First of all we have to ask `Which sector is this?’  Will that be the regeneration sector where everyone works on huge salaries chucking public money at developers who have taken the wads and stuck up a few shoddy houses that no-one can afford? And who then go back cap in hand to Hazel pleading to be baled out when it all falls flat?

Hazel in her speech to the British Urban Regeneration Association`confirmed the planned £6.5bn investment in regeneration across the country over the next two years in reflection of this priority’.

She added “Over the last ten years we have shown we can make a difference with many areas turned around because of the commitment we have shown and record investment we have made”…Not on your own doorstep, Hazel. The figures haven’t moved – see our `jam tomorrow feature‘…

Regeneration, Hazel says, is now to be judged against three new success measures

1) `improving economic performance’ – don’t pay Capital Gains Tax?
2) `creating the right conditions for business growth’ – become an MP and Cabinet minister?
3) `creating places that people want to live’ – buy a flat in Kennington and flog it for a profit after claiming allowances?

Sorry Hazel, we all want more regeneration money but handing it out to the same speculators and losers who messed it up last time is no answer. Come up with proper ideas – if you’re still there in a few weeks time. 

PS. Can we have some funds for Salford StarBlears

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