Scrutiny IN Salford is it working?

Well on Wednesday i will see how the chairs of scrutiny and vice chars pan out. I have all ways believed that to offer any democratic balance you need to show proportionality.But with Salford Labour it’s lets take it to full council for the decision,  pure case of mathematics we loose, How this council will ever go from a three star council to a four star when it will not work with the opposition god knows. The same goes for the cabinet re shuffle we can all see the areas of weakness but the same lead members stay put and one who as had bad press gets moved. Well you need to be brave and weed out the people who are failing it’s obvious the leader of this council is not.


  1. There is no intention to disturb the arrangement that allocates a chair and Deputies to the minority parties. I am relieved you believe in proportionality seeing that you earlier attacked the council for allocating seats on committees on that basis . I understand also that so far you have declined to give a minority seat to Cllr Ainsworth why?

    1. John it would be a cold day in hell before i stoped any independent member from getting a position on scrutiny i for one would fight for it, I suggest you are talking to the wrong person,you forget i do not lead this party. I only hope you understand the difference between the Conservative group and Liberal dem is limited in size, so when the cakes split i for one do not wish to find we get the crumbs.

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